A month or so ago, I was asked to make a cake to be raffled at my workplace for charity. I felt so honoured to be asked, but, also a little unworthy, after all, its just me, so I really wanted to pull out all the stops and make a cake that I could feel really proud of and tempt all my lovely friends and colleagues into spending lots of money on raffle tickets.
I had two cakes in mind that I wanted to make. Many of my friends and colleagues were asking for a giant cupcake, as I had recently made one, for a colleague, as a parting gift. The cake that I wanted to make was a beehive cake.
In the end, I decided to make both. This was also an opportunity for me to practise some more sugar flowers and these are the sugar blossoms that I made to decorate the Giant Cupcake. More about that Giant Cupcake in the next post.
In blossomology I wanted to try and make lots of different blossoms from the same cutter, to practise some different skills. We are very lucky in the cake decorating world that there are so many great companies and talented crafters out there making kits and tools, that, even those, like me, with little artistic talent, can make sugar flowers. One of my favourite companies is Sunflower Sugarart they have UK and USA websites. I have used their blossom mould and cutter set to make these sugar blossoms.
To make these blossoms I used:
The blossom set from Sunflower Sugarart
A small rolling pin
A cutting board or mat
Petal / Gum Paste coloured with Sugarflair's Ivory / Caramel
A small about of vegetable fat (Trex / Crisco)
A small amount of cornflour / cornstarch
A foam sugarcraft pad
Lustre dust, I used Edible Arts Pearlised Toffee
This is how:
1. Rub a little of the vegetable fat onto your cutting board. This helps the petal paste stick whilst you are rolling and cutting and helps it not stick at the same time.
2. Roll out petal paste, really thin. Officially, it is supposed to be so thin, you can seen through it, but I usually go a little thicker
3. Use the cutter to cut out a blossom and give the cutter a little wiggle to neaten the edges.
4. Sprinkle a little cornflour on your foam pad, then place the cut blossom on top. Use a ball tool around the edges (half on / half off) to thin and frill them a little. This helps make the blossoms look more natural and realistic, you can omit this stage for a more stylised blossom.
5. Lift the blossom and place it on the bottom half of the mould. Use the ball tool to help settle it in position
6. Press the two halves of the mould together to impress the veining onto the blossom
7. Gently lift the moulded blossom out
8. Brush with a little petal or lustre dust to add a little magic
9. Settle the veined blossoms into the wells of a paint palette to dry out and harden out.
I wanted to make some smaller flowers too, so I used one of my Orchard Products cutters with the sunflower Sugarart veiner to make some smaller ones.
Sweet little things aren't they?
Check back soon to see these on the Giant Cupcake
That's all for today
Thanks for popping by and please call again soon
Keep up with my latest creations and inspirations in all these places
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