So on Saturday, I went on a workshop to learn something I have never done before, making little sugar animals. The course was a bit of a last minute thing, I only booked it the day before and was lucky that I got a space as someone else had cancelled due to sickness.
The workshop was led by the very lovely and informative Ann Pickard. At the start of the course when Ann was explaining all the things she was going to show us, I thought "no way" will we get through all that, Well, I was wrong, all the models that you see here were made between 09:30 and 3:00 on that Saturday with half an hour for lunch. Amazing? Ann runs workshops all over the Country publishes books, appears on TV, makes video tutorials and runs a cake decorating business.
Find out more about Ann here
The models we made on the workshop are all featured in Ann's book Cake Characters, and DVD 1 so if you can't get to a workshop, you can learn how to make theses models from the book or DVD. The animals are made using Regalice ready coloured icing and the only tool we used was a bulbous cone tool.
We started off by making this cute little duck. Ann also showed us some great ideas for using the animals on cupcakes. But that is a story for another day. All the pictures below are the actual models that I made on the day. So each one is the first one I have ever made. This is more testament to Ann's skills and methods than mine!
After warming up and building our confidence making ducks, we moved onto "Animals with four feet on the ground" starting with a pig. Ann's pig was so gorgeous, we all fell completely in love with it, at the precise moment Ann folded the ears forward. This is my piggy wiggy below.
Next up was this little pup. Ann showed us how to make this pup, one like a Westie and gave us some advice on how to vary the models to look like different breeds. Many people in the class made models resembling their own pooches. It was amazing to see the variety created from the same basic model. This is my pup, Dougal. If you want to have a go, check out this one of Ann's videos. Woof!
Next up, is my favourite from the day, though to say that feels a bit like choosing a favourite child. This is little Dorritt. My smiley sheep. I really enjoyed piping her coat with royal icing and I think it was round about then that Ann spotted my usually well concealed obsessive neat and symmetrical tendencies and moved one of the models I had made earlier, so that it was no longer part of a perfect line. And yes, I did move it back, as soon as she had gone.
After the sheep, we moved on to "sitting up" animals. Starting with the Teddy Bear below. This is palest pink Penelope.
Next up was Hettie Hippopotamus. Just look at those teeny tiny ears and enormous nostrils.
When I reviewed my photos, I was surprised that Ellie, below, seemed to be sat further back in the picture than the other sugar animals. I think she must be shy.
You must check out Ann's tutorial for Pinky and Tipsy the drunken elephants - adorable.
Look at those ears!
After the elephant we made a different style of bear. Mine is maybe a little more like a mouse? This old fashioned bear is a careful balance of size of ear and point of nose and I didn't get the balance quite right here. I've also just realised that he doesn't have a mouth! He is meant to be reminiscent of a well known bear, the red jumper may give you a clue as to who. I've named this little bear Stuart as he reminds me rather of Stuart Little. Have a look at this one of Ann's Youtube vids to see how to make both this teddy here and the one above and .. er .. what this one should look a bit more like.
Tiger time next. I think I took Ann a little too literally when she told us to roll a sausage to start. This is Fred.
We finished the class off with a couple of people. First this small stylised clown. My Mother used to teach art and I always remember her saying that clowns are easy to draw because they don't have to look naturalistic and I guess this is true of sugar modelling too. This is Charlie.
The last model of the day, a larger clown. Ann gave us loads of tips for how we could convert both of these models into other characters and how to incorporate the supports for this larger figure into your design. I think this clown is resting in the park after his lunch. He has a sort of serene look. Meet Claude the Clown.

This was such a fun and information packed day and a true Adventure in Sugarland for me, if you ever get the chance to take a workshop with Ann, they come highly recommended by me.
(Just to clarify, I have not received any incentives or discounts in connection with this course. I just believe that good products and services should be shared and shouted about.)
Always remember:
Small eyes look evil
Arms start at the shoulder
Heads on one side have more character
Use dried spaghetti for supports not cocktail sticks
That's all for today
Thanks for popping by and please call again soon
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Keep up with my latest creations and inspirations in all these places
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